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Kids Long Sleeve T-Shirts

Ancient Egypt Eye Kids Long Sleeve T-Shirt

Description: A simple render of the famous Egyptian "Eye of Horus." The left eye of the royal god, this symbol is one that will protect and strengthen all of pharaoh's loyal followers. By the History of Egypt Podcast.

Tags: egyptian symbol, egyptian mysteries, egyptian isis, egyptian gods, egypt
Ancient Egypt Ankh Life Kids Long Sleeve T-Shirt

Description: The ankh is an ancient Egyptian symbol, meaning "Life." It was used in amulets and spells for protection, and people would pray that the pharaoh would enjoy "Ankh Wedja Seneb," or "Life, Prosperity, and Health." The ankh is a powerful talisman, a prayer for long life and blessings from the gods.

Tags: ancient symbol, life, ancient egypt, egypt podcast, egyptian art
Ancient Egypt Ankh Life Kids Long Sleeve T-Shirt

Description: The ankh is an ancient Egyptian symbol, meaning "Life." It was used in amulets and spells for protection, and people would pray that the pharaoh would enjoy "Ankh Wedja Seneb," or "Life, Prosperity, and Health." The ankh is a powerful talisman, a prayer for long life and blessings from the gods.

Tags: egyptian symbol, egypt podcast, egyptian art, ancient egypt, life
Ancient Egypt Sphinx Kids Long Sleeve T-Shirt

Description: Ancient Egypt Sphinx

Tags: sphynx, chirstmas, ancient egypt, pyramid, egyptian
Ancient Egypt Sphinx Kids Long Sleeve T-Shirt

Description: Ancient Egypt Sphinx

Tags: pyramid, chirstmas, sphynx, ancient egypt, egyptian
Ancient Egypt Anubis Kids Long Sleeve T-Shirt

Description: Anubis was an important deity to the ancient Egyptians. He protected souls on their journey to the afterlife, and helped to embalm mummies for eternity. Symbols of Anubis could protect a person, and help them guarantee a long and happy life in the next world.

Tags: ancient egyptian, egypt, egyptian symbol, pharaoh, egyptian
Ancient Egypt Anubis Kids Long Sleeve T-Shirt

Description: Anubis was an important deity to the ancient Egyptians. He protected souls on their journey to the afterlife, and helped to embalm mummies for eternity. Symbols of Anubis could protect a person, and help them guarantee a long and happy life in the next world.

Tags: ancient egyptian, egyptian dog god anubis, egyptian god, anubis, ancient egypt
Ancient Egypt Cat Kids Long Sleeve T-Shirt

Description: Bastet protects you with a swish feline form. This cat grabs back

Tags: egypt, egyptian cat, cat, catshirt, ancient egypt gift
Ancient Egypt Eye Kids Long Sleeve T-Shirt

Description: A simple render of the famous Egyptian "Eye of Horus." The left eye of the royal god, this symbol is one that will protect and strengthen all of pharaoh's loyal followers. By the History of Egypt Podcast.

Tags: egyptian symbol, egyptian, egyptian art, egyptian god, egypt
Ancient Egypt Eye Kids Long Sleeve T-Shirt

Description: A simple render of the famous Egyptian "Eye of Horus." The left eye of the royal god, this symbol is one that will protect and strengthen all of pharaoh's loyal followers. By the History of Egypt Podcast.

Tags: egyptian, egyptian isis, egyptian goddess, egyptian symbol, egyptian art
Ancient Egypt Ankh Life Prosperity Health Kids Long Sleeve T-Shirt

Description: The Egyptian phrase "Life, Prosperity, Health" in hieroglyphics (ankh wedja seneb. A phrase used for pharaohs, queens and gods: a mark of protection from the land of the Nile.

Tags: egyptian mysteries, egyptian goddess, pharaoh, egyptian gods, egyptian god
Tutankhamun Kids Long Sleeve T-Shirt

Description: Tutankamun and his wife Ankhesenamun, from the King's throne in his tomb at the Valley of the Kings.

Tags: pharaoh, egyptian art, egypt, tutankhamun, egyptian king
Horus Falcon Kids Long Sleeve T-Shirt

Description: A Horus emblem by the history of Egypt podcast

Tags: egyptian gods, egyptian god, egyptian, egyptian symbol, ancient egyptian
Ancient Egypt Ship Kids Long Sleeve T-Shirt

Description: An ancient Egyptian ship design, inspired by the expeditions of Hatshepsut to the land of Punt (Ethiopia). Commemorate ancient adventures with style and simplicity!

Tags: boat, ship, egypt, pharaoh

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